Is Your PAC Data Accurate, Up-to-Date, and Secure?

The old axiom, “garbage in, garbage out,” which became popular in the early days of computing, still holds true today. Especially with data related to your Political Action Committee (PAC).


PASS’ primary responsibility is ensuring that quality PAC data is imported to keep your PAC information accurate, up to date, and safe.


PASS uses client data to prepare and file federal and state election law reports. We apply a quality assurance approach to ensure that data is transferred and processed accurately the first time around. Quality Assurance relies on a client’s IT department along with PASS’ Receipt Analyst (RA) and Quality Assurance Manager (QA). Each is responsible for a unique part of the process.


The IT department is responsible for ensuring that the data is encrypted and secure when the data files are sent to PASS. The RA is responsible for decrypting and uploading the raw data into epacInfo® − PASS’ comprehensive data management and reporting tool. Once the team uploads the data into epacInfo®, the QA Manager must then review the processed data to ensure the information matches the data entered into epacInfo®.


Our goal is to enter the data accurately the first time around, and the quality measures PASS has in place give the team the opportunity to identify errors before a Federal, State, or Local report is filed. Errors such as an individual overcontributing to the PAC or the PAC overcontributing to a campaign. Trust the experts at PASS to keep your PAC on track by applying our 40+ years of campaign finance compliance and process experience to your PAC administration. For information about PASS’ processes and what goes into keeping your data accurate, up-to-date, and safe, contact your Compliance Manager. If you would like additional information on adding PASS as a trusted PAC partner, contact Mary O’Reilly at 703-476-3070.