Single sign on (SSO) is a secure and efficient way to authenticate to your PASS applications without having to recall that pesky password or security questions when changing your password. SSO has been a website staple for quite some time and you have likely used it in one place or another, even if you didn’t know it. SSO is all handled through your network management group and allows for you to login to your workstation each morning and have access to all of the applications under your SSO umbrella. PASS website users have experienced SSO when clicking the link to a PAC enrollment site or using epacManager.
These applications seamlessly link to the Company intranet to provide more secure and efficient access.
While SSO was the standard for securing a site, multi-factor (MFA) will further enhance your authentication security. Implementing MFA adds an extra layer of security by having the application user provide a second form of identification. This includes an email or text message, which contains a one-time code, generated to the specific user’s inbox. The user provides the code back to the application and is granted access. While it may sound cumbersome, introducing MFA to your epacManager or PAC website authentication process increases site security exponentially.
Our goal at PASS is to provide top security and ease of access to our applications and PAC enrollment websites. Single sign on and multi-factor (MFA) authentication are straight-forward to implement and strongly encouraged. PASS will work directly with your network group to iron out the details and put these in place. Reach out to Erin Ver Doorn at PASS with any requests for additional information.