Director of Employee Development

Amy Reynolds

Amy Reynolds

Why PASS? I am fortunate to work in a team-oriented environment with professional people who I also consider friends. We are all anxious to please and provide high quality service. Having been away from campaign finance for a few years before coming back to the field, I would only have returned to work with this team.

My Background Prior to joining PASS, Amy spent 5 ½ years at the Federal Election Commission where she handled several of the larger State and National Party committees along with some high-profile separate segregated funds. She joined PASS as a Compliance Manager before being promoted to Client Services Director in 2003 and then Vice President of Client Services in June of 2005.

About Me B.A. Government and Art History, College of William and Mary Certificate in Natural History Field Studies, USDA Graduate School Amy is originally from Loudoun County, Virginia. Amy has been with PASS since 2000 Amy follows all DC sports teams, William and Mary football, and UK basketball.