What is Charity Match and Why Does Your Company Need It?

A charity match is a donation made from Treasury or Foundation dollars to match time or money donated by an employee. There are many variations of these programs, and they are not only an employee incentive, but they can help advance your company’s ESG efforts.

The most common program types include:


Gift Match

A Gift Matching program is the most popular match program.


Matching an employee’s gift is a popular employee benefit that has been proven to attract applicants as well as reduce employee turnover.


With over a million 501(c)(3) organizations, you can structure your program to allow employees to select any charitable organization or just a few.

University Match

University Matching encompasses 2–4-year institutions of higher education. Many employees gravitate to this program as their alma mater is near and dear to them. You can even add in Trade or Technical Schools to help broaden the appeal of the program.


VTO, known as Volunteered Time Off, is a fun way for your employees to give a physical helping hand in their communities. Rather than a monetary match to the charity, employee PTO is granted in exchange. Combine team-building and charitable giving to promote a positive, philanthropic culture.

PAC Match

PAC Match is proven to incentivize your employees to give or increase their giving to the organization’s PAC, Political Action Committee, and much like Gift Match, matches can go to any 501(c)(3) charity, and you can structure your program to your organization’s goals.


Do any of these programs spark your interest? PASS administers match programs of all types and sizes, and we take the administrative burden off your shoulders. Reach out to charity specialists at PASS for help in building and maintaining a successful program.